Which Colours Should I Use for My Website?

The world around us is full filled with colors. Psychologically, human mind reacts to different colors. So, you need to have some knowledge about colour in order to select the right mixture of colours for your business. Some common color guide is stated below:-


Actually blue is  the most popular colour on the Internet. Well-known blue websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Wordpress, and several companies from all kinds of different trades use blue in their branding to recommend ability, clarity, approachability etc

Blue is quiet, relaxing colour that may be a good choice if you want people to feel at comfort when browsing your website.
Blue can also convey some negative color meanings like depression and can carry a sense of coldness. The color also can be used in website’s logo or on your navigation elements.


Red is a very eye-catching colour. That’s why various websites use red colour to create particular element.
Red can express different moods and meaning. We can consider, red is the symbol of danger. Each road user sees it every day on traffic lights and road signs. It usually works as an urgent instruction or warning. It is also related with romance, love and hate.

The colour is usually applied to CTA buttons for taking user attention. The colour also can apply in logo, icons, navigation elements and brand names and headlines.
When we blend different colors, red can express different meanings. The blending of red with green and yellow is suitable for food related web projects.


Studies say that the meaning of the color yellow can be warmness, joyfulness, improved cerebral activity, increased muscle power. Yellow color helps activate the memory, boost communication, improve vision and progress the nervous system.
Yellow induces sunlight. It’s the colour of cheerfulness. So if your website is related making people happy then this might be a right colour choice for your web design.


More or less every person knows the significances of the green colour. The word ‘green’ has synonym for 'environmentally-friendly’. Green is a combination of yellow and blue.  Individually ecommerce and informational sites use green color because of its special effects and power on the viewers. There are some scopes of business where green should not use. We should keep it on mind when designing a site.


Orange as a citrus fruit carries feelings of summer and vitamin C. It also has meanings of season change. In several countries, like Belgium, traffic light is orange in its place of yellow. In Eastern religions orange is a colour of sun. Web orange color is defined as #FFA500.
Orange designs often express a sense of joy and happiness. Orange is an intermediate color between red and yellow. Orange really stands out on the calmer colors, like blue and green.
It's still bright and eye-catching, but it doesn't have the associations with danger and aggression.


Purple is the colour of royals. Purple is a mixture of two different colors: energetic red and cool blue. Nowadays, it’s a favorite of many, particularly teenage girls and women. It can carry many messages. It depends on how you use it.


Black indicates that you're serious about what you do. It is an clear choice for a businesses who offer a service associated with paining or dying. But black isn't only the colour of death. It also indicate professionalism; business persons habitually wear black clothes and black shoes  during work and meetings. So, this sense can be applied to commercial website as well.


It is related with sex, sweetness, femaleness,  and love.  White and Red make pink color.

Women or girls targeted website use pink color for sure. Pink is also the color of sexuality. For designing website we should keep this in mind.


It is the color of wood, earth, stone, wholesomeness, security and honesty.  Brown, similarly green, is a color that's often related with the world around us. Brown has tough bonds to the past.  Brown RGB color code = 


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