Full Guide to Make a Mobile Friendly Website

About 80% of the top websites (according to the Alexa rankings) were optimized for mobile users and 80% of all Internet users have smartphones. So it’s  very easy for people to browse the Internet by their mobile devices. That’s why,  your website must be optimized for mobile devices to get more traffic. Google clearly announce that it desires to serve mobile users mobile-friendly web pages. By making mobile friendly it will also help you with your conversion rates.
I am going to explain the top principles of an effective mobile web design. If you can apply these conceptions to mobile site, you’ll benefit from an increase in traffic and more engaged users.
Process for making mobile friendly website is stated below:-

Definition of Mobile-Friendly

Mobile-Friendly just means that content appears well on desktop computers and smaller mobile devices. That means, the text is effortlessly readable, navigation and links are simply clickable, and it’s easy to ingest the content in common.
There is a way for testing  site for mobile-friendliness and  that is Google’s own mobile-friendly testing tool. Everyone should use this tool.

Some tips for making your website mobile-friendly.

1. Install Responsive Theme

For quick fixing you can change your theme completely. For a traditional site this undoubtedly not best option. But if it is a low traffic site then installing responsive theme is a easy solution. In the case of WordPress changing theme is very simple.

2. Abridge your menus

Perceptibly, mobile screens are smaller than laptop or desktop screens. You surely don’t want visitors to have to scroll or zoom in and out to see all the navigation choices. All needs to be brief and fit on one screen.

3. Try to Keep Forms as short as possible

If you’re querying the visitor for a lot of information, it’s not an effective method. Instead, you have to change the design to keep your forms tiny. It is easy for small or big screen.

4. Plainly display your CTAs

To get effective mobile web design, your call-to-action buttons must to be obvious.
Consider about your goal for every landing page. Are you trying to gain downloads? New subscribers? Get visitors to buy something? Your CTA needs to concentration on that primary goal. By focusing your attention on your CTA buttons will provide you an advantage over your competitors. CTA must be easy to spot in just one two seconds.

5. Embrace a search function

Some website may have a menu with 20 or 40 different options. So it becomes impossible to try to abridge those options to appropriate on just one page. Well, it can be easy if you use a search function.

6. Eradicate pop-ups

Try to get rid of pop-ups on mobile site. People don’t like pop-ups because they are so tough to close and sometimes people can’t even close them.

7. Pick right font

Fonts surely need to be clear and easy to read. You can use all capital letters and bold font for the headline. Then you can use regular capitalization rules and non-bold font for the line.

8. Make a speedy site

About 54% of people will abandon a mobile site that takes more than three seconds to load. Also check how bounce rates increase with increasing page loading times.

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