Font Tag in HTML4

<font> Tag in HTML 4 with video tutorial

For increasing content readability fonts can play a very important role. It also helps to make a website more users friendly.


The <font> tag was used in HTML 4 to define the font face, font size, and color of text. In HTML 5 <font> tag is not supported.

For better understanding the example below you can visit our Basic Construction of of HTML post.


<title> First web page </title>


<font color="red" face="Arial" size="7">This is the Text</font>                   


Note that, the font size range in html is 1 to 7 and default size is 3.

I will show you the output as a screenshot. Output is stated below:-

Font face and color fully depends on the computer and browser. HTML <font> tag can be used to add style, size, and color to the text for your website. <basefont> tag also can be used to set all of your text to the same size, face, and color.

The font tag contains three attributes called size, color, and face. Those attributes helps to customize your fonts. You can change one or the entire font attributes through one <font> tag.

Note:-  In this video I used 10 as a font size. Font size 10 for HTML is not correct.  Because font size range in HTML is 1 to 7. That means the highest font size in HTML is 7. So we can not use font size 10 in HTML. But in CSS we can increase and decrease font size according to our need. You can also check our Font tag in html 5 post.

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